viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020

¡Reading is fun!

I would like to talk about some ideas for books at preschool, this books are a good idea to introduced literacy in early age, we can use it to teach English in a fun way.
Children love this kind of stories and at the same time we can improve their comprehension and vocabulary by reading this amazing stories. 
Im going to write about one of my favorite books and this is "The Gruffalo" of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, this is a really fun and nice book, with a very nice illustrations and a fantastic  meaning 😊.
This book its really appealing for kids and the storie have several alliterations in line to give the children the opportunity to repeat and understand the sentences .
Also, it have some ict games to play in classroom wich are very fun and dynamic. 

    Resultado de imagen de the gruffalo

Another book wich I want to share is "We going on a bear hunt" from Michael Rosen y Helen Oxenbury, I think it is a great tool to teach English in a dynamic and fun way.
Kids loooooove this book and they can participate , they can  imitate the sounds and the movements, its a rhime wich is very easy for them to follow and to learn.  
Resultado de imagen de we are going on a bear hunt

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